Jawwad Ahmed Farid

Director, Chief Executive, Alchemy Technologies Fair value. Computational Finance. Enterprise Risk. Startups.

About this speaker

Jawwad Farid has been building, implementing risk models and back office systems since 1993. Working with clients on 4 continents he helps bankers, board members and regulators take a market relevant approach to risk management. 

Jawwad is a Fellow Society of Actuaries, (FSA, Schaumburg, IL), holds an MBA from Columbia Business School and is a computer science graduate from FAST NUCES. Over 30 years, he has worked as an advisor and a consultant in North America, Pakistan, Middle East, East Africa, Far East and United Kingdom. 

Jawwad’s expertise include investment management, valuation opinions, product development and risk models.  He advises due diligence teams on risk assessment and valuation in banking, treasury, technology and insurance, builds fair value (FAS 157) models for illiquid securities, estimates contingent liability and RSU reserves, designs economic capital allocation strategies and helps investment funds with ALM mismatch and fixed income portfolio gap reduction.

Jawwad is the author of five books which include Founder Puzzles, Portfolio Optimization Models, Option Greeks Primer, Models at Work and Reboot.

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