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About this Talk

ProActuary Co-founder, Mark Farrell, will bring The Growth Actuary Virtual Summit to a close and some of our speakers will leave you with their "Top Tips for Future Growth and Success".

25 June 2021, 05:00 PM

05:00 PM - 05:30 PM

About The Actuarial Speakers

Mark Farrell

Mark Farrell PhD FIA

Senior Lecturer/Co-founder, ProActuary

Jawwad Ahmed Farid

Jawwad Ahmed Farid

Director, Chief Executive, Alchemy Technologies

Fair value. Computational Finance. Enterprise Risk. Startups.

Suzanne Farrell

Suzanne Farrell

Psychologist/Co-founder, ProActuary

Colin Bullen

Colin Bullen

Founder + Director, Change Craft

Gilbert Eijkelenboom

Gilbert Eijkelenboom

Founder, Trainer, Bestselling Author, MindSpeaking

Caroline Grégoire

Caroline Grégoire

International Mentor & Coach | Keynote Speaker, CG4 Coaching

Giving leaders the edge to reach peak performance l International Mentor and Coach in 4 Languages l Keynote Speaker l Financial, Insurance and Actuarial Sectors

Brett Heineman

Brett Heineman FSA MAAA

General Manager, Health Division, Gradient AI

Alex King

Alex King

Founder and CEO, Actuaries OnTap

Carlo Lahura

Carlo Lahura FCAS

Actuarial Consultant - Property & Casualty, EY US

Dan Mikulskis

Dan Mikulskis

Investment Partner, Lane Clark & Peacock

Greg Solomon

Greg Solomon

Lead Consultant, Eigengrey Consulting

Klaas Stijnen

Klaas Stijnen

Chief Product Officer and Founder, Montoux